Engaging Places to Make
Healthy Choices Easier
Every community contains dozens of areas that are ripe for the kinds of improvements Blue Zones Project® seeks out. We break all those down into five categories: Schools, Worksites, Grocery Stores, Restaurants, and Participating Organizations (Civic Group, Club, Faith-Based, HOA, Non-Profit, or Other). When we enlist these influential bedrocks of the community as partners, we can create real, lasting well-being transformation.

Why well-being
While many traditional health initiatives focus on diet and exercise programs, Blue Zones Project aims to comprehensively change a community’s environment so that individuals are regularly nudged into making healthy choices. We take a systematic approach to improving well-being through policy, building design, social networks, and built environment.
How to get started
Are you interested in cultivating health- and longevity-improving environments and opportunities for your customers, employees, students, or congregation? The first step is filling out a simple registration form.

Healthier work environments can benefit both employers and their valuable employees.

Most jobs today are sedentary, with only about 20 percent requiring moderate physical activity. About one-third of a person’s waking hours are spent at work, so employers can have great influence in helping us move more, eat better, and connect.

Schools can teach a community’s youngest citizens healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

A community’s schools can shape their children’s health habits for life. Simple things like physical activity and stretch breaks during the school day can increase concentration, and improve grades and test scores.

Grocery Stores
We work with grocery stores to increase healthy offerings and make it easier for people to make smart food choices.

Grocery stores subtly influence our food decisions in pretty significant ways. Here’s just one: Placing healthier food items in high-visibility areas in the store means those unhealthy impulse items are less likely to end up in customer carts.

Restaurants can help hungry customers make better food and drink choices even when they’re away from home.

Restaurants play a key role in a community’s overall wellness as more people seek healthy options when dining out. Adopting our best practices can grow your business’s bottom line while ensuring the health and happiness of your customers.

Participating Organizations
Can’t find a category that exactly fits your business? Fear not—the Power 9® principles can be applied in almost any setting!

Even those businesses and organizations that defy categorization can benefit from Blue Zones Project’s research-based best practices, resources, and support. Tell us about what you do and let us help you transform the community you serve.

Building a healthier community